Having a multilingual palette is essential to competition in the modern global economy no matter the industry. Whether your company is local or multinational, having the best translation services between the English and Spanish languages can open your business up to a world of opportunities that would otherwise remained closed. Below are three tips to ensure that you have the best English to Spanish Website translations available to you.
One – Make sure that you have the right people on the job.
No matter the credentials of the translator, you must properly vet your choices in order to find the best individual or company for the job. For large business endeavors, it is usually better to go with a translation company that vets translators for you and gives you the opportunity to choose between a number of highly qualified candidates without having to search each one out individually.
The English and Spanish languages both contain subtle nuances (click here to learn more about nuances) that may be the difference between closing a deal and missing an open business opportunity. You must be sure that your translator is able to think quickly on the fly and differentiate between certain phrases in both languages that may have multiple meanings.
Two – Consider hiring American Translator Association (ATA) members.
Although hiring an ATA member means more money out of your pocket up front, the benefits are usually worth the price, especially if the deal that you are trying to cement is complicated or has a long process. With ATA certified translators, you ensure the absolute best translations into both English and Spanish. ATA translators are tested on aspects of language far beyond the literal meanings of words. As stated before, the connotation of phrasing between the two languages is oftentimes the difference between being understood and making a deal or missing the meaning of a business transaction and leaving unsatisfied because language became a barrier to consensus.
Businesses can also trust ATA members to see the entire process through to the end whether the process involves building a website or communicating with potential partners. If you can imagine never having to worry about your translator going out sick or coming in late, ATA is the organization for you.
Three – Create partnerships with known entities in the translation business.
In order to create the most time effective relationship with your translator, you should partner with translation companies that have a reputation within the business. The better the reputation of your partner, the more that you will be able to outsource to them.
Aside from direct translation services, reputable companies within that industry will be able to provide you with debriefing and other services that will help you understand the big picture within interactions. You will be able to discern how you presented yourself in a much more broad light than simply language: You will be able to learn how you can better match cultures to maintain the level of respect between yourself and your potential business partners. This respect is essential to maintaining and building relationships with companies across language barriers.
So, what did you think of this post? Post a comment (good or bad) and if you liked it, please tweet or email about it!
Also, if you have any additional tips for English to Spanish translation success that you would like us and our followers to know, please list them under comments. Thank you!
Sebastian Aroca is an entrepreneur and a customer centric professional. He co-founded Hispanic Market Advisors, a company that offers Spanish SEO/SEM and English to Spanish translation services. Sebastian has over 10 years of professional experience managing regional customer programs and client acquisition strategies in the areas of sales and marketing communications, primarily for the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American & Caribbean markets.
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