Newswires are generally viewed as trustworthy sources of information.
Marketing and public relations professionals use newswire distributions with the aim of generating coverage on major news outlets, increasing brand awareness, reach, and visibility, and in some cases to boost search engine rankings. The popularity of newswire websites today makes it possible to achieve more efficient distribution among those outlets that are of relevance to you and your clients.
The great thing about newswire websites is that many of them will distribute your press releases for free to major news outlets. The news outlet then shares the release, giving your client a backlink and some exposure.”
It may be possible that others will then pick up the release and create even more backlinks, enhancing your link profile.
Free is always welcome. At the same time, customers love results. Thus, you can benefit greatly from highly targeted cost-effective paid distribution services such as Noticias Newswire (see pricing for bilingual press releases). Over time you will create a list of both free and paid distribution outlets that become valuable to you and your clients in the future.
If you are going to use a paid service, set a budget and stick to it.
Your mission is to get quality links from both the free and paid distribution channels, but do it consistently (without over doing it) as the links you gain from your wires will typically be temporary as most placements let their links expire over time.
Please share this post with your colleagues if you find it of value… and remember to apply the strategic use of SEO practices in your next Noticias Newswire distribution to help you establish your SEO-friendly wires across as many relevant Hispanic media outlets as possible.
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