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Use Targeted Distribution for Press Releases

The traditional strategy for distributing press releases is to target local media outlets

Although many would argue that newspapers and reporters have lost some of their luster in the digital age, the popularity of newswire websites today makes it possible to achieve more efficient distribution among those outlets that are of relevance to you and your clients.


The great thing about newswire websites is that many of them will distribute your press releases for free to major news outlets. The news outlet then shares the release, giving your client a backlink and some exposure. It may be possible that others will then pick up the release and create even more backlinks, enhancing your link profile.


Free is always welcome. At the same time, you can benefit greatly from highly targeted paid distribution services such as Hispanicize Wire (see pricing). Over time you will create a list of both free and paid distribution outlets that become valuable to you and your clients in the future.


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